About Patty Barna

About Patty Barna, an experienced tutor for students of all ages.Patty Barna, an experienced tutor for students of all ages.


or twenty-five years, Patty Barna has tutored students at Palomar College and Study Depot, as well as privately. She has worked closely in the classroom by taking care of students’ immediate needs and developing individualized programs.  Her approach using a Multi-Sensory Structured Language has been highly effective. This versatile program easily lends itself to a creative, fun approach to learning.  Individuals of all ages enjoy the unusual variety of interesting worksheets and stimulating games. Students discover that learning is fun.

Patty has a Tutor Training Certificate, Certified Supplemental Instruction Supervisor’s Credential, Phono-Graphix Instructor Certificate, volunteers at the Carlsbad Literacy Center, member of the ACCTLA Association, and attends Read San Diego Seminars and conferences.

She truly loves working with individuals of all ages. She has successfully privately tutored over one-hundred students in the North County region of San Diego. Students enjoy Patty’s learning techniques that keep her pupils engaged and having fun during their session. She has instructed and helped individuals from 4- to 65-years old; those with learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, processing issues, students with learning differences, and those that need remediation or want to improve their skills.

jrw-reading-remedyAbout Patty Barna